Saturday, March 21, 2015


Choices....we all make them or need to make them every day.  Some are simple, everyday choices....some are life changing.

It is so very difficult to make a choice when it is between two things, both of which have so many positive features.  I own an antique, gift and yarn business, and I began to think about retirement over three years ago.  I have been waiting for the "right" time, for everything to be perfect and clear before I made my choice.  I asked God to hit me on the head and just tell me what was right for me and my family and even my community.  Apparently He didn't want to make it that simple.

In the meantime, while I tossed things around in my mind, I decided to give the shop everything I had.  I have expanded, added new features, even recently invested in a new sign and supplies for this upcoming year.  But all the time I was still thinking, listening, watching and asking for guidance.

Three days ago, right in the middle of the day, I made my decision....I am going to retire!  There are so many reasons to keep doing what I am doing and reasons to make a change.  It does no good to ask for advice, because even those who love you have just a bit of selfish motive.  They truly want me to be happy, but they also want me to do the thing that affects them in a positive way.  The choice had to be mine, and the reasoning had to be mine.

Now that the choice is made, and I've let the world know, I am committed to make it work and make sure that I am happy and satisfied with the results of this choice.  My theory on life is to make the most you can of every situation, look forward and never back, make choices and do not have regrets, cherish memories, remember the good things, and focus on now and the future.

I didn't make the choice to take the easy road...this one will be hard for months to come as I resolve many issues that will arise from this choice, but I know where I'm headed, and it is a good place!

Every day is a gift...Do you have a difficult choice awaiting you?  You may have to struggle with it like I took me three years....but the mind is an amazing thing, especially if you fill it with good thoughts!  You can do the thing you need to do....have confidence in your abilities and try to keep moving forward in life.  The rewards are endless....especially after the choices are made!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sadie Sunshine Sampler Prayer Shawl (Knit pattern)

This pattern was designed in memory of my sweet 17 month old granddaughter, Sadie, who we lost to Cancer on December 21, 2012.  I have always crocheted and decided to teach myself to knit.  As I progressed up one side of this shawl, I decided to do each section in a different, simple pattern.  At the same time I was praying and remembering Sadie and others who are suffering from cancer or a loss, I was learning - so I decided to dedicate this shawl to her and record the pattern for use as a prayer shawl.

Please feel free to use and share this pattern, but when you stitch it, please have someone in mind and give it freely to them for comfort in their time of need.

(Revised to add 4 stitch garter stitch to each side - 2/5/18)

Worsted Weight Yarn - approximately 800 yards
Size 10 needles
Cast on 81 Stitches

Each section begins with front side facing.

FIRST SECTION - Garter Stitch

Knit every row - 32 rows


K4, *(K1, P1) repeat from * to last stitch, K5 - 22 rows

THIRD SECTION - Stockinette Stitch

Row 1 - Knit every stitch
Row 2 - Knit first 4 stitches, P to last 4 stitches, K4
Repeat these two rows 8 more times - total of 18 rows

FOURTH SECTION - Basket Weave Stitch

Row 1 - Knit all stitches
Row 2 - K8, P3, *K5, P3. Repeat from *to last 6 stitches, K6
Row 3 - K4, P2, K3, *P5, K3. Repeat from *to last 8 stitches, P4. K4
Row 4 - K8, P3, *K5, P3. Repeat from *to last 6 stitches, K6
Row 5 - Knit all stitches
Row 6 - K4, P3, *K5, P3. Repeat from * to last 10 stitches, K5, P1, K4
Row 7 - K5, *P5, K3. Repeat from *to last 4 stitches, K4
Row 8 - K4, P3, *K5, P3. Repeat from *to last 10 stitches, K5, P1, K4

Repeat rows 1-8 two more times, then
Knit one row and the K4, Purl to last 4 stitches, K4  before starting the next section.

FIFTH SECTION - Textured Garter Stitch

Row 1 -K4, *(K2, P2) repeat from * to last 5 stitches, K5
Row 2 - K5, then *(P2, K2) repeat from * to last 4 stitches, K4

Repeat Rows 1 and 2  ten more times

SIXTH SECTION -  repeat Third Section - Stockinette Stitch

SEVENTH SECTION - Lattice Stitch

Row 1 - K7, *P1, K5. Repeat from *to last 8 stitches, P1, K7
Row 2 - K4, P2, *K1, P1, K1, P3. Repeat from *to last 9 Stitches, K1, P1, K1, P2,K4
Row 3 - K5, *P1, K3, P1, K1. Repeat from *to last 4 stitches, K4
Row 4 - K5, *P5, K1. Repeat from *to last 4 stitches, K4
Row 5 - Repeat Row 3
Row 6 - Repeat Row 2

Repeat Rows 1-6 three more times, then
Repeat Row 1, then K4, then Purl to last 4 stitches, K4 before beginning the next section.

EIGHTH SECTION - Diagonal Check Stitch

Row 1 - K4, *P1, K4. Repeat from *to last 7 stitches, P1, K6
Row 2 - K4, P1, K2. *P3, K2. Repeat from *to last 4 stitches, K4
Row 3 - K4, *P3, K2. Repeat from *to last 7 stitches, P3, K4
Row 4 - K7, *P1, K4. Repeat from *to last 4 stitches, K4
Row 5 - K4, *K1, P4. Repeat from * to last 7 stitches, K1, P2, K4
Row 6 - K5, P2. *K3, P2. Repeat from * to last 4 stitches, K4
Row 7 - K4, *K3, P2. Repeat from *to last 7 stitches, K7
Row 8 - K4, P3, *K1, P4. Repeat from *to last 4 stitches, K4

Repeat Rows 1-8 two more times.

NINTH SECTION -  repeat Third Section - Stockinette Stitch

TENTH SECTION - repeat Eighth Section - Diagonal Check, then
Knit one row and then K4, Purl to last 4 stitches, K4 before beginning the next section.

ELEVENTH SECTION - repeat Seventh Section - Lattice Stitch

TWELFTH SECTION -  repeat Third Section - Stockinette Stitch

THIRTEENTH SECTION - repeat Fifth Section -  Textured Garter Stitch, then
Knit one row and then K4, Purl to last 4 stitches, K4 before beginning the next section.

FOURTEENTH SECTION - repeat Fourth Section - Basket Weave Stitch

FIFTEENTH SECTION - repeat Third Section - Stockinette Stitch

SIXTEENTH SECTION - repeat Second Section - Seed Stitch

SEVENTEENTH SECTION - repeat First Section - Garter Stitch

Bind off.  Block as necessary.

Designed by Carolyn Dorsey, Sadie's Mammaw

I would be pleased for you to donate your finished product to our Sadie Sunshine Chapter of Crochet for Cancer, and we will give to a Cancer patient.  The mailing address is Sadie Sunshine Chapter, PO Box 1624, Henderson, KY 42419. You may find us at

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

You Will Bloom Again!

I love flowers!  I have over 40 violets in my home that I care for, and last year at Christmas I decided to purchase one of those Amaryllis in a box with promise of a beautiful flower from a bulb and a little dirt.  It grew and bloomed beautifully.

My husband is an outdoor gardener, so he put it in a big pot and it was in the garden outside for all of Spring, Summer and Fall.  Then Winter came and we decided to bring it in, cut it back and see what happened!  It has taken a while, but this morning we have been rewarded by two beautiful blooms!

We all have periods of time in our lives when we are dormant, sad or hurting or gloomy.  But there is always the promise of a new day full of sunshine and flowers.  We just need patience and faith, and before we know it we will see the sunshine and bloom again.  Hope!  This is what gets us through the tough times.

Are you depressed or sad or lonely?  Every day is a gift....look around you today for the rays of hope and sunshine, and begin to bloom again and share your beauty with others!  Everyone needs a pretty flower to look at each day !